Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What's Different in 2012

2011 has been an incredible year of growth for my family.  We started out the year without a home of our own, living with friends, depressed, hurting, unemployed and job hunting.  To say that New Years Eve was a bust for me last year is an understatement.  I was so heartbroken that we were starting off the year in such a bad place, and I didn't know if we would be able to fight our way back up to being ok.  All I could do was hope, and there wasn't much hope left to go around back then. 
But... as the year progressed, things did change.  Hubby got a job.  We got a place of our own again.  Hubby got a better job.  The girls are in schools they are doing well in.  Abbi got signed up with the Division of Developmental Disabilities so that she could get better care and services than we could afford to give her on our own.  We're making it... paycheck to paycheck, but we're making it.  We have our own roof, food to eat, a car to drive, and our loving family with us.  I even managed to lose 30 lbs and keep 15 of it off (yes, that means I gained 15 back, but I am still 15 lbs lower than I was this time last year, and that is a plus for me). 
This year I am starting with a much better outlook on the year.  I do have a lot of goals for 2012, many of which I will share in the coming weeks as I work on them.  The one thing I truly plan to do differently this year is to personally progress.  My family made progress last year, but I want to focus on my own personal growth and change this year.  
New years eve 2011
I'm turning 30 in 2 months.  30.  THIRTY.  The big 3-0.  3 decades... wow.  I want to make this the start of a new era for me.  I want to value my self-worth, take care of my body, do the things that make me happy, and give attention to the things that need doing so that life goes more smoothly.  In a very short way, that sums up my goals.  The root of it all though, is perserverence, and working through the lulls and not giving up, so I can see real progress and change this year.  New habits, and a new me.  
Here's to 2012!  What are your goals?

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