We began the day by paying respects to the thousands who lost their lives on September 11th. This is a hard topic to broach with children, but an important one. September 11th changed the course of American history, and due to Kevin's military service, it also changed our lives personally. We kept the summary brief, and explained that each of the flags represented someone who died during the attack. Flags with boots like the one pictured represent service members who passed away from the armed services, police force, and fire fighters. I answered any questions Anna had regarding the attacks, death, and what-if's. Sometimes history is painful, but it is an important lesson so that we do not repeat it.

After the visit to the memorial, we went to visit a good friend and her family. While we were there Anna worked in her workbook a bit. We distinguished the difference between insects and arachnids for science today, and worked on ordering numbers from smallest to largest that contain similar numbers. We will continue working on this for math the remainder of the week to help make it memorable for her. Anna also started a knitting project for her hand work but I didn't get any pictures of it. As it is a long term project, I'm sure I will have an opportunity to take photos again sometime soon.
The book we read today was Mrs. Watson Wants Your Teeth. It is really a cute story about not trusting the gossip someone says about someone else, and getting to know the person yourself. It is a wonderful social story!
In other news I went to a Girl Scout leader meeting for my Brownie troop that will be starting up on Sunday this week. It turns out I will have nearly 15 girls just for my Brownies this year! We are so excited to start on this journey together!
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